Saturday, May 8, 2010

Deployments SUCK and they suck so much I want to say it twice - DEPLOYMENTS SUCK!

I seriously want to wear a T-Shirt that says Deployments SUCK on the front and Sexually Deprived for your Freedom on the back , but I dont have the nerve. 'Cause see, thats the thing, I dont wear my true feelings on my sleeve (or shirt, for that matter) for everyone to see. I put on the 'happy chappy' face (phrase compliments of my Brit friend Sarah) and move through my day. Hence this blog.... because I am about to explode with all the emotions I am keeping inside and in true 'Suck-It-Up-Buttercup' Army wife style, I need an outlet and this is it. This is supposed to be a therapeutic blog, for my sanity mostly, but if you can relate or just get a chuckle, then its aalllll goooood! ASK ME TOMORROW PLEEZE is so named because I am such a basketcase on the inside and it totally depends on the day, and the way I am feeling as to what I can handle... so please, ask me tomorrow, cause you just.never.know.

Let me explain a few things.... First and foremost, I am not a writer. Not.even.close. In fact, I dont enjoy writing at all! It is torturous for me because when I write something, I read it, rewrite it, read it again, reword and then do that over and over (perfectionist much?).... so the constant editing and reediting makes me C-R-A-Z-Y! And that is not helpful, if the sole purpose of this blog is to help keep me sane! So, I pledge to you and to me, to write this as a stream of consciousness and not constantly 'perfectionize' each 'bleeping' sentence. I cant promise this will be daily, especially if it takes me 2 hours to write a paragraph..... someone has to play with my children!

I am also secretly hoping that by spilling my guts on paper (so to speak) I will release my nervous energy and help my stress habits of picking my fingernails and clenching my jaw! Think it will happen? I seriously doubt it. But there is always hope.

And be prepared. I anticipate that as my 'walls' come down, my potty mouth will emerge. Since these days, its just me and 2 young children, I need a place where I can just! So, dont say I didnt warn you..... Fluckity-Fluck-Fluck!

Therapeutic. Cathartic. Real. Embarrassing. Funny (hopefully). So swing back by, check it out, bring a cup of coffee, or a beverage of the alcoholic kind, and enjoy!

Some blog tidbits might include things like, IS IT JUST ME? or CONFESSION OF THE DAY or TODAY I CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON _____, AND MY THANKS TO....., in case I need something to help get me started on a particular day. Please feel free to email or comment with your own tidbit confessions, things you're focusing on, thanks to etc etc -- would love to hear that I am not the only crazy-cakes out there!

I personally CAN.NOT.STAND having to decipher the little word verification puzzles that are all italicized and smooshed together when you are trying to signup for or purchase something.. I almost couldnt start this blog bc I couldnt figure out the damn word! It makes me feel so damn stupid. And to make matters worse, they just keep taunting me by generating more words, even more difficult to figure out than the first-- UGH! Someone, please, make something simple for me today... pleeeeze!

This is embarrassing but I will admit it..... we have not left the house or gotten out of our pajamas. all day. There. I said it. Sounds like heaven right?!? It is and it isnt. Its awesome bc we didnt have to run out of the house with our pants-on-fire, but a the same time, I feel so guilty and cant enjoy the down day. Mostly bc I am on the verge of a mild depression and just want to crawl in my bed and not leave for a week. I do consider the fact that I did not cry in front of my children today a mild achievement. (post R&R, abbreviated grief cycle in depression... so that means acceptance is in the horizon -- woohoo!). Oh and I almost forgot, my oldest child has spent unknown hours on the Wii and it is 80 and beautiful outside.....but he is safe, and fed and entertained - so that's what matters, right?!?

YOU KNOW YOU ARE HAVING A ROUGH DAY WHEN..... your lovely, thoughtful and amazing husband sends you mothers day flowers.... that were intended to be delivered yesterday, but learned of 'surprise that didnt happen' via email from said husband and then have to spend an hour dealing with customer service and tracking down the flowers that were never delivered but a website that stated they were. I WANT, FOR JUST ONCE, TO NOT HAVE TO HANDLE EVERYTHING! Even my own damn flowers! I am totally whining here, but I wanted that moment, where the doorbell rings, and I open the door and there stands a delivery person with a beautiful bouquet, and I gasp, with my hand on chest and say, "For me?!?" and delivery person says, "Yes, Mrs T these are for you!" ------- FLUCKERS! FTD FLUCKED UP MY MOMENT! Truth be told, the flowers were delivered later this morning, and are just lovely and I am so grateful to my husband for this kind and sweet gesture. I am so blessed to have such an amazing hubbie. AND THATS WHAT I CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON!

Pizza Hut. Thank you for supplying sustenance for my children. I appreciate that after clicking the "order" button, you arrived at my door within 10 minutes with your yummy cheesy goodness. I will take a whiff, basque in your aroma, and then eat my turkey meatballs and salad. Damn the Deployment Diet.


  1. Love you, Stef. I know firsthand what working out & slimming down does for your... ahem... 'appetite', shall we say... and it doesn't help that your DH is thousands of miles away.

    Like you said; your kids are fed & safe. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I'm not the only one who lets my kid play games on nice, sunny days.

    Now I'm off to get myself a beer and knit while watching some crummy movie while DH is at work on a Saturday night.

  2. Oh my gosh Stef, you are too funny and sweet and kind and did I mention funny? Seriously. And how happy am I that one of my silly little British sayings made it into your first blog. I feel so special. You are entitled to all these feelngs, no-one can be happy all the time especially going through what you are going through. Remember last summer when Jeff was gone for 7 weeks? I was a basket case, and I had my mum here for 4 of those 7 weeks. How lame am I? And please don't feel guilty for staying in the house today, it was warm out but horribly windy and the boys probably had more fun on the Wii and eating pizza - that's heaven for kids isn't it? I know I've said it a million times but please remember we are just up the street from you so call on us anytime. One of these days we need to go out for margaritas or something. I'm not gonna take no for an answer. Gotta get you out of that funk. Looking forward to your next installment, whenever that might be.

  3. Amen, sister. To not have to handle EVERYTHING, even your OWN DAMN FLOWERS!

    You are loved. You are not alone. xoxo

  4. Also I meant to say that I'm kinda glad you're not a "happy chappy" all the time because I was seriously starting to think you were superwoman, and no-one wants to be friends with superwoman (I would totally feel inadequate next to you). So, I for one, am glad you are human like the rest of us (but not happy you are having a rough time at the moment).

  5. Love, love, love it! Thanks Steph!


  6. Girl- don't kid yourself- you're totally awesome at writing!

    Because life is ALL about me- I LOVE that I have shared a new word that is now going viral around the world. We can cuss and not even cuss! SaWeeT!!

    Can't wait to read your next post! I'm putting you in my reader and I'll be looking forward to reading!!!!!!!!

    On a more serious note- I'm so sorry that life sucks so bad right now. I'm glad that you are finding outlets and that you haven't completely lost your funny!


  7. Hey Steph!
    Patrick has been working 14 hour days for the last 3 weeks with only a half day off on Sunday, which he spends playing with the kids. Finally, he got home while I was out with the kids and he had a nap. So last night, "Happy Mother's day to me"! Based on my last three weeks of deprivation I am totally worried about his deployment in November (sometimes knowing really far in advance just gives me more time to fret).
    So, I understand about the sexual deprivation and am sending you all the strength in the world to handle it. Are you sure you want to hear other people's whining when they don't have it half as bad as you?
    Sending lots of sisterly support,

  8. Love YOU, Stef! This is awesome! Hugs!!

  9. Stef,
    I amorry you are in the valley. I equate seployment to a rollercoaster. sometimes your at the top and the view is great sometimes you are screaming at the top of your lungs as you plummet to the bottom. Then the climb up is slow and jerky. sometimes you even find yourself completely upside down. That being said I believe that deployment is like childbirth. You think you know and you are kind but until you do it you can not even imagine the pain.
