Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I love me some Glee

The hit FOX show - Glee.
I decided to transfer my tivo'd episodes to my iphone so I could catch up on the last several shows at the gym.... and oh how you make me laugh. For future reference, however, I wouldn't recommend watching Glee while running.... I started laughing so hard, I nearly fell off the treadmill! Gotta love it! Just saying the word Gleeeeeeeeeee makes you smile..... try it............. (either that or you just look like some crazed lunatic on some sort of pharmaceutical), but it makes me happy and I dont care what I look like! Crazy, clumsy but smiling!

Also my new favorite song of the day is Lucky by Jason Mraz. It's been a while since I heard it, but it made me smile too! I am LUCKY to be in love with my best friend!


  1. Glee rocks out the happiness. Oh did you know the kid who plays puck with the mohawk is from east Dallas. Just one more reason to love it. Also Jane Lynch is classic. My new phrase is kick in the taco.

  2. Ooooh! My favorite Jason Mraz is this one: Gypsy MC:

    BTW, I watched The Blind Side the other day. The whole time I was totally distracted by the fact that the dad (who, WTF? is Tim McGraw without a mustache!) looked just like Curtis. Have you seen it? Do a google search and tell me if I'm wrong.
